Pull My Finger, suckers!

mitch_mcconnell_finger  What you will hear is what the GOP really thinks of you.  Yes,  you.  Even you who voted these reckless, selfish scumbags into office.  They are duping you into thinking they are anything but a friend of the richest Americans.  And the rich are enjoying their prosperity with all the money that this “trickle down” nonsensical theory has given to THEM,  not you.  They are SITTING on the cash from record profits,  and NOT CREATING JOBS.  Look at the job  figures.  10 years of cuts for them and we have less jobs now than we did when we started.  Nonsense.  But as long as they can continue to tell you outright lies,  the deficit will NEVER go down.  They themselves have ballooned it to record levels.  Reagan, Bush I,   Bush II.  And this is something Obama could obliterate in UNDER TWO YEARS?  Do you know how idiotic you sound when you say this? When you imply this?  When you actually BELIEVE this? 

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About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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