How about some THANKS to the people who line your pockets, Corporations? #greedyCorporations #selfishness

Here is something I find hard to accept.  These companies are making record profits,  while the bulk of the people in this country are suffering hardship. So much for “trickle-down”.  We sorely need an accountability structure;  something that makes it easily and widely known who is PROFITING while the people languish.  This,  I would think,  would be a somewhat damaging bit of information for people to have,  and PUNISH those entities who would sit  on all that money.   These corporations are the EPITOME of UN-AMERICAN;  the epitome of UN-PATRIOTIC, and the epitome of shameless greed. 

 Something’s Wrong With This Picture: Corporations Have Most Profitable Quarter in U.S. History as Unemployment Soars | AlterNet

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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