GOP/Tea Party inanities #GOPfail My rants about GOP rhetoric as seen in Huckabee

This video will probably be gone in a matter of hours,  but I must respond to this NONSENSE!!!!!  Maher does his usual bang up job in pointing out the inanity of this crap.   NOONE IS TELLING YOU MUST do anything.  They are government research conclusions offered as suggestions.   SUGGESTIONS.  Huckabee then backtracks and praises schools for trying to make their kids eat smarter.  Huckabee proceeds to talk about “conditioning” children to eat healthier (Oh no!  Now they want to force an outside idea on our children!  Why not teach the children about “free market” and let them make their own decisions and let them have what they want?"  This is precisely my point.  Laws are made to protect the mob from itself.  Popularity does not make for good government.  People are also not economists.  They cannot make the decisions about how to operate an economy.  But this is what the Free market fundies say we need to do.  Nothing that the people DONT WANT is any good,  or can be seen as “discipline” in hard times.  They seem oblivious to the fact that “free market” nonsense is the thing that got us here in the first place.

I’ll keep posting here. 

Meanwhile,  Huckabee,  after Maher calls him on his rhetoric about “the government wants to tell us how much salt we can eat”…..he launches off into his “help our children eat better”,  which is precisely where all this nonsense about “the government wants to tell us what we can eat” began.  Michelle Obama’s efforts to improve nutrition in schools kicked off all this right wing nonsense.  But Huckabee here does a complete about face and begins to tell us what he would say and do and “push” as President or suggest as a GOP leader.  Unbelievable. 

Sestak had some really good things to say.  He stood up and continued to push and campaign for HealthCare reform.  But when he says the voters voting for Brown (Republicans) that they didn’t vote Democratic or Republican,  they voted to say away with BOTH your houses ;  we voted for a change in POLITICS and not just policy.  So, why do they think voting Republican would help?  The Democrats may have been pansies,  but the Republicans if anything upped the ante of being complete assholes and instead of governing,  they simply blocked as much from happening as they could.  Explain that one to me. 

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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