Churches and numbers

When I read things like this,  I cringe.

Numbers do count. If we are HOT, the numbers will be positive … God will be pleased
From a post comment on the Facebook UMNS page at this URL

This is itself a “worldly” standard.   That something will be popular if it is good.  That may work in the world of marketing and consumerism,  but not necessarily so in the world of the church.  There are plenty of churches that exist which are exceedingly faithful to their calling,  but do not attract the ‘throngs”.  How is this?  People prefer,  by and large,  an “easier” membership.  They’re in it for “what’s in it for me?”  And of course,  no one says it that way.  Few would even admit that to be so.  Few even realize that this is so. 

But Jesus had no illusions about it.  “The way is narrow”.  That didn’t mean “except in the great country of the U.S.  where you have “the freedom to worship as you please”.   This “freedom” also includes the “freedom” to choose as undemanding a community as you want.  And that freedom often makes the finding of radically faithful communities an extremely narrow and elusive undertaking.

This commenter is swayed by the numbers.  To say that being faithful will result in “numbers” is a symptom of the problem.  Being swayed by what is popular in our culture,  even amongst the so-called “religious”,  to the extent that it eliminates the risky ;  church becomes a “product” and “business” that can be “improved” by better marketing,  and sadly,  marketing derived from non-church people. 

The God I know wants to open our eyes to the ways and the deceptions of our consumer-driven culture. This is a  culture that teaches us that when something is popular,  it is therefore successful,  and in church circles,  also faithful.  And if the numbers don’t come,  we must be unfaithful;  not listening to God for what “works”.  What “works” has entirely different “indicators” than attracting massive throngs.   

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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