Judge says Obama moratorium “assumes that other rigs” pose danger. Uhhh…yeah. #oilspill

Get a load of this :

District Judge Martin Feldman said the Interior Department failed to provide adequate reasoning and that the moratorium seems to assume that because one rig failed, all companies and rigs doing deepwater drilling pose an imminent danger.

Judge rejects Obama move on drilling – Disaster in the Gulf- msnbc.com

I tweeted a reply to a twitter friend whose tweet first called this to my attention (@ttennheat )  and added “i think the judge needs to be removed due to his showing inadequate signs of consciousness…unbelievable”

Or as kids (and now adults)  would often say :  Well DUHHH!  I believe that this is indeed the cause of moratoriums in general.  Something has happened to raise doubts about whether companies or whoever are taking adequate safety precautions.  I do believe that something has indeed happened. 

This is all the more scary because this idiot lives in Louisiana.  It is obvious who he thinks he serves,  and it aint the people of this country (ie  he’s  a “federal judge”)  nor is it the people of HIS state whose citizens that I would venture  to say BUILT their economy before there was a “party” economy in New Orleans.

This is insane.  I wonder what kind of looks this judge got when he handed down this …..uh…..what is it.   To call it a “ruling” would be an affront to law and process.  

BP ,  being one of the largest oil corporations is a logical “test case” for the behavior (and propensities)  of oil companies. 

My dear apparently BOUGHT judge.  YES.  We now know precisely that “all companies and rigs doing deepwater drilling pose an imminent danger”.   Except for you.  You need to be removed for the glaring fact that you are bought.   You can’t possibly be taken seriously. 

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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