Scoble’s Lists on Twitter #smchurch @Scobleizer #ChurchSocial

This is a great article by Robert Scoble @Scobleizer,  where he lets us in on how he uses Twitter’s new list feature.  I’ve already begun looking through the various lists he has described.  A good source of ideas/seeds for thinking about Social Media from a Church perspective.  I’ve been looking to add to lists I’ve started like @dlature/SMChurch that include people who post most often about church/social media/tools and the theology behind it.

Twitter’s new list feature is one of those things that seems simple on the surface and is easily ignored.

But it has deeply changed how I get my news and how I interact with the tech community.

Click through these lists and you’ll see a different world than you would have thought possible on Twitter. This is the order I visit the lists in the morning:

My world has changed (and I get to share with you)

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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