Mohler blames old SBC for Clinton’s behaviour

This article (click the link above to see it) is the utmost in conceited,  self-righteous,  judgmental smugness exhibited time and time again by this seminary president.  SBC people ought to be ashamed to have this guyas a seminary president.  Here he basically questions the spiritual values of generations of Southern Baptists who don’t believe in the witch hunts which placed him in a position he clearly has no credentials to possess. He has no humility; I would laugh , and often do,  until I realize how sad it really is. 

How the theological climate of any one church or denomination can insure the sexual fidelityof ANY ONE of its members is a ridiculous issue to even draw a correlation.  One always hopes that people reared in a spirtual climate absorbs those values,  but the failings of one do not bear on the rightness of that theology.  And to call into question the legitimacy of the faith of a whole generation of Southern Baptists,  who were around before you, Al Mohler,  is such a crock. I look at the smug, self-assured smirk you exhibit and I cringe at the “witness” this must be for all of America ,  and as representative of the many Southern Baptists who still try to walk humby with their God.  Your God,  on the other hand,  you seem to have mixed up with somebody who looks like you;  that’s the dominant impression I get.

I offer this link to the article you wrote as an example of the garbage you often spew,  and the majority of those who read it will recognize it for the extremely vile representation of spirtual pride and contempt that you you seem to be proud of spreading. Link to the vile filth

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