flocks of consumers

 I followed a link from Jesus Politics to a post about Clarence Jordan

[the cause of much] turning away from the church is the failure of leadership to be shepherds of Jesus Christ, but to instead become entrepreneurs and shop-keepers, treating their congregations like flocks of consumers to be led into further consumption of church produced, church centered goods and services.

Source: internetmonk.com

this (not sure where this is leading,  since the answer for me is to get back to what BEING CHURCH is,  not to abandon it;  but what I read in a bit of skimming (and perhaps leading to a more thorough reading) is that the QUITTING that is being talked about is quitting the consumption and of being the “marketee” (as in the above quote;  to be a flock other than a flock of consumers).

And ,  the thing on Jordan;  I’m deeply indebted to the many talks I’ve heard on tape from Clarence Jordan,  and the Cotton Patch translations,  and the story of Koinonia (so movingly told by Dallas Lee in The Cotton Patch Evidence , Harper and Row, 1971)

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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