EverythingChristian News: Resident Aliens – A Conversation With Stanley Hauerwas

 From an interview with Hauerwas:

The problem with the religious right is, again, that they identify Christianity with America. Think, for example, about the use of the American flag in the church. The American flag shouldn’t be in the church. That’s idolatry. The American flag represents the significant sacrifice that people made have made for this country. I respect that sacrifice, but that’s precisely the problem. It’s such a heavy moral symbol. It makes those sacrifices as important as the sacrifice of Jesus Himself. So it is harder for the world to know there is an alternative to violence.

It’s very interesting that the religious right doesn’t like consequentialist, utilitarian reasoning about abortion. But you hear those on the religious right justify American foreign policy with the same consequentialist, utilitarian reasoning. They say, “Of course, war is not a good thing, but sometimes you have to do it. Lesser evil, and all that.” Same logic that people use to justify abortion.

Source: EverythingChristian News: Resident Aliens – A Conversation With Stanley Hauerwas

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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