it won’t stay hidden forever

 Dave Winer expresses one small hope of mine:

I pay taxes, I wish they were lower, but I don’t believe any of the bullshit the Republicans throw around about Democrats. I see the money they channel to themselves, the billions they spend on Iraq, as a major major tax, one that they’ve managed to hide, for now, but it won’t stay hidden forever.

Source: Scripting News: 11/6/2006

“it won’t stay hidden forever”—- I sure hope so;  I’d love to see more and more of the scandalous revelations become an avalanche of lost trust for the wider public,  and sweep these turkeys out of office,  and start to repair the damage they’ve done.  While I don’t believe in political solutions to this needed repair,  just stop the killing, corruption,  greed,  and cynicism so that we can recognize that we have a problem that will take much more than the status quo political machine to solve.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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