God’s Politics – Amy Sullivan: I’m Shocked!

 Amy Sullivan in a post on the God’s Politics blog,  while reacting to the issues brought up by Kuo’s book:

Once it came down to the hard work of actually putting the government’s money where Bush’s mouth was, however, well, there was always something else higher up the priority list. Like the elimination of the estate tax, for example. The most significant piece of Bush’s faith-based initiative–tax credits for charitable giving–was pushed aside early on to make way for the repeal of the estate tax. Compassion in action can wait; we’ve got some rich donors to reward!

Source: God’s Politics – Jim Wallis blog, faith blog, religion, Christian, Christianity, politics, values

(btw,  I’m a bit irritated by the God’s Politics blog using beliefnet for their blogging.  It results in such inflexibilities as the following:

I am using LiveWriter to mark things I want to comment upon in a post,  and then when I click “BlogIt”,  I get a LiveWriter New  post window with the Title of the Blog, post title,  and the section I marked in quotes, along with a Source: URL of the blog.  But since God’s Politics is under http://www.beliefnet.com/blogs/godspolitics ,  the title I get in Live Writer is : God’s Politics – Jim Wallis blog, faith blog, religion, Christian, Christianity, politics, values,  with no mention of the title of the actual post,  which under the beliefnet system should be: Amy Sullivan: I’m Shocked!

So,  I was bit disappointed by their decision to “farm out” their blogging.  I think they may face further insensibilities as a result as blog tools proliferate.  )

But I digress.  The Sullivan comment above is in step with my sense.  The proliferation of lies and deception from this White House has blown all credibility for me.  ALL of it.  I even think that Woodward’s title; “State of Denial” is too kind.  I don’t think they’re “in denial” at all.  Rather,  their “denials”  are coverups. Seeking to “sell the public” and maintain power as long as they can dupe the majority of the people the majority of the time.  They are cynical users and manipulators.  As more and more of the conservative and evangelical faithful realize this,  the “realizers” themselves are labeled as turncoats.  Kuo is now seeing this.  But the list of “turncoats” just keeps growing.  

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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