Jim Wallis On America’s Nuclear Hypocrisy

On his blog at beliefnet,  Jim says what I have often thought ,  especially lately as the administration stresses how North Korea should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons. 

I don’t believe any country should possess nuclear weapons. But the attempt to restrict the development of nuclear weapons by other countries, while continuing to upgrade and modernize our own, is simply hypocrisy. The foundation of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty was an agreement by the nuclear powers to reduce and eventually eliminate their nuclear stockpiles in return for other countries agreeing not to acquire them. None of the nuclear powers has upheld their side of the deal. If the U.S. and other nuclear weapons states are serious about preventing the spread of nuclear weapons, they must take the necessary steps toward eliminating their own nuclear arsenals. Hypocrisy doesn’t make good foreign policy.

Source: God’s Politics – Jim Wallis blog, faith blog, religion, christian, christianity, politics, values

The moral standing of the U.S. on such matters should be about zero.  While we have no qualms about “secretly” persisting and “wielding” our own,  and take every opportunity to say that “all options are on the table”,  we also still retain the distinction of being the only human entity to have actually used them on populations.  And of course,  complete with “moral reasoning/justification based on national interest,  as if other countries would be demonic in using the same type of nationalistic self-justification.  This point seems lost on most Americans.  WE,  the United States,  have been the only nation to succumb to such madness. 

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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