To Share The Subversive Wisdom

One of the best, most direct listings of the “wants” of a Chritian seeking authentic church I have ever read (from Anthony Smith in one of the comments to his posted article:

However, I can offer what I, a black American Protestant, wants. And others who share my particular sensibilities.

1. A more deeply rooted faith in the (c)atholic tradition.
2. A more holistic and cosmic understanding of the salvation wrought by Christ’s life, death, and resurrection…and the eventual outpouring of God’s Spirit.
3. An ecclesiology unwedded, as much as possible, from market culture.
4. Leadership styles that look less like CEO-Noblemans and more like Community griots that share the deep subversive wisdom of the Christian tradition that casts a vision of life in the kingdom. Rather than a program for a particular Pastor’s non-profit organization.
5. Also, I am hungry to learn more about the Christian tradition outside the walls of Evangelical Protestant culture. I have been immersing myself into Catholic and more Eastern Christian traditions. Interesting stuff. However, I do not want to do it because it is ‘interesting’. I want to do it because I find so much of my current tradition deeply wedded to ideologies and powers, I believe, undermine some of the core tenets and practices of the catholic Christian tradition.

So in a word, I am a black (c)atholic Neo-Pentecostal Post-Evangelical looking for the Church to see itself as a Spirit-clothed Eucharistic community bearing witness and giving sign to the coming Kingdom of God.
— from the church and postmodern culture: conversation: The Panopticon of Ecclesial White-ness: Taking Foucault to a Church divided

I resonate most of all with this : “I find so much of my current tradition deeply wedded to ideologies and powers, I believe, undermine some of the core tenets and practices of the catholic Christian tradition”. I see this most fully in the “patterns of relationships” we seek (or have been taught NOT to seek—-our culture has torn us from any notion opf accountability and interdependence as a people of God and pushed us toward individualism….and it is this cultural assimilation (or discipline) which has pushed any celebration of sameness and difference from our awreness of ourselves as a people. Individualism exacerbates the “fear of the other” that separates us.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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