rethinking our North American capitulation to modernism

A comment by James K.A. Smith summarizes a key point of how postemodernism can be a “catalyst” for change rather than the prescription for change:

the church and postmodern culture: conversation: Postmodernity vs. the Gospel?
Neither of us are taking about “updating” the faith or making the church “relevant” to contemporary culture, and thus advocating everybody buy a ticket for the postmodern bandwagon. Instead, the point is that engaging the postmodern critique of modernity can be a catalyst and occasion for the (especially North American) church to re-think it’s own capitulation to modernity. So the engagement with postmodern thought is a kind of therapy, but not, in fact, a prescription.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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