Chomsky Interview via Informed Comment

The following excerpt is from an interview with Noamn Chomsky,  which is loaded with the usual Chomsky sourcing of facts,  and flies in the face of the “official stories” being sold to us by our government (which is in the business of “Manufacturing Consent”—in case you didn’t know,  a Chomsky title)

Norman G. Finkelstein
“I should add that to the outside world, it sounds a bit odd, to put it mildly, for the US and Israel to be warning of the “Iranian threat” when they and they alone are issuing threats to launch an attack, threats that are immediate and credible, and in serious violation of international law, and are preparing very openly for such an attack. Whatever one thinks of Iran, no such charge can be made in their case. It is also apparent to the world, if not to the US and Israel, that Iran has not invaded any other countries, something that the US and Israel do regularly.

Chomsky siad earlier on in the interview that most of the population outside the West favors a nuclear Iran more highly than a nuclear U.S. (and “logically” so, since of course,  the U.S. is the only nation to have used on on populations,  and engaged in massive publicity campaigns and misinfomation (propaganda) to justify this insanity. And at present,  it is the most insanely insistent that they would not hesitiate to use them if provoked— even with non-nuclear threats doing the provoking.  Again,  according to the script of the U.S.,  while proudly asserting its “moral superiority” by suggesting that only they can be trusted with nuclear weapons,  when it seems to all practical appearances that they should be the LEAST trusted.

What is truly infuriating about what Chomsky tells us in the interview is that the US and Israel have been the major obstacle to any shot at peace in the Middle East.

It’s only a matter of time before some things begin to emerge about the role of this criminal regime here in the US in supporting , encouraging,  and DIRECTING the unfolding mayhem in the Middle East,  which fits into the necon’s hubristic insanity of a “plan” for US hegemony in the Middle East.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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