Media Matters on Bob Woodward

I find this idea about Woodward’s books on Bush unbelievable:

Media Matters – Conservative media silent on prior publication of leaks favorable to White House
Kuttner went on to note that while Woodward\’s book did cause \”mild embarrassment to lesser officials … [o]ne high official in particular comes across looking just terrific. And that is George W. Bush.\” That the book cast him in a largely favorable light is evidenced by the fact that it was listed as recommended reading on the website of Bush\’s 2004 re-election campaign.

I read both books in 2004,  and they contained nothing that I admired or gave me any indication at all that Bush was an able commander-in-chief,  but apparently Karl Rove thought so.  I suppose that Bush “spoke the language” or something.  Maureen Dowd said in her book on Bush that the books were on the White House approved list ,  “even though they made the administration look divorced from reality”.  That was my take exactly.  Something has happened to the sense of reality in the lives of Americans.  Fox News is one absolute villian in that regard.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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