Paying lip service to “visible markers of piety”

More “gnostic” markers: Pay lip service to “visible markers of piety” and “belief” (meaning “inner , special knowledge”) while ignoring and contradicting most of the Biblical values in policies that make it more difficult for the poor, throw people off of health care or make it more difficult to acquire insurance, fail to welcome the immigrant and actually do the opposite, wreck the ecological life support system and eliminate species at a staggering rate, see to it that the richest get all the benefits of our economy’s production, and rally behind a government put together by Republicans who long ago sold themselves to the perpetrators of all the above. This radical dualism: Piety (“special knowledge” that stays “inside, in the soul” as “belief”) , and divorced from real life, where they defer to the world’s values.

Sorry, you don’t get “penance” for social sins by appealing to what you “believe”. If you don’t live it, such pieties mean nothing.

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About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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