Harbinger announces GenerousOrthodoxy.Net

This purpose as stated seeks an identity that is a needed foundation for a resisting and faithful church. The comments are also encouraging. I’ll be interested to see what arises from this. I’m heading out for the morning, but I certainly want to keep a watch here.

Harbinger: generousorthodoxy.net

The purpose of the site and the weblog is to help foster a progressive or postconservative evangelical identity. I believe that many, many people identify as evangelicals but do not identify with the theological and/or political conservatism that dominates media representations of U.S. evangelicalism. Here’s some evidence of that. And yet there is no real sense of connectedness or cohesiveness among that group. I hope that that will change over the upcoming decades. I for one am desperate for a greater sense of connectedness with likeminded people, and I believe many others are too.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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