Charlie blogs God’s Politics (you can see the whole list of his chapter by chapter summaries at
In this chapter Wallis takes on US imperialism, or as some put it our ambition for empire. Not since Rome has a nation Lorded it over others as America does today. Add to this ambition language about God and we have a problem
Here is where I see JIm Wallis and RO in a lot of agreement and seeing the “theology” behind the “secularity” (thus, not a secularity but an idolatrous relationship to the world, one which sees ALL “others” as “collateral damage” to our “interests”) (“our” referring to America)
I really do think that Wallis and RO are on most of the same pages. Perhaps when you’re in the academic world of theology as many of us are, the little things stick out a lot more. I think if I were to talk to the average person in my church about the two positions they would find them both to be extremely radical (or just rad) but definitely in the same ballpark, and on the same team.