RO discussion

I’ve been reading an impressive thread of discussion on Eric’s blog that I’ve missed over the past couple of weeks, where Eric is answering several questions and conversing with at least a couple of folks. I’m gonna break the bank with all this book blogging, since now I feel compelled to go get James K.A. Smith’s Introducing Radical Orthodoxy.

I assume that Brian McLaren is probably having a lot to say about all this, even though I haven’t been reading his site or seeing a bunch of quotes lately (I still have to finsih up A Generous Orthodoxy).
Part of that latter question is somewhat touched on by Eric in the thread I mentioned :

The point is that all of the RO folks (as well as emergent folks) are reading Hauerwas. And speaking of “emergent” (about which I don’t really know too much), Smith is coming out with a book sometime soon about how RO relates to the “emergent conversation.” I think he described it as a “helpful critique.”

I’m eating this up, Eric. Good blogging and contribution to the blog-worthiness of this thread of theology!

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