Sickening; Unbelievable; Embarassment for Christians

The following quote from the article about New Life Church in Colorado Springs (a bugeoning mega-chu….uh…..mega-something.)

Soldiers of Christ I (

The Iraqis come up often, particularly with regard to their conversion: Despite the efforts of the news media, believing soldiers and others testify to the effective preaching of the Gospel, and the openness of so many to hear of Jesus. Pray for continued success!

Another prayer request puts numbers to that news—900,000 Bibles in the Arabic language distributed by Christians in Iraq . . . And one explicitly aligns the quest for democracy in Iraq with the quest for more Christians in Iraq: May the people stand for their rights, and open to the idea of making choices, such as studying the Bible . . .

The most common Iraq-related prayer requests, however, are strategic in the most worldly sense, such as this one: Baghdad—God, press back the enemy . . .

And this, …I can’t believe these people actually can see this guy as any kind of a pastor, other than a “high priest” of the worship of the almight buck.

New Lifers, Pastor Ted writes with evident pride, “like the benefits, risks, and maybe above all, the excitement of a free-market society.”

Above all? Can you say BLASPHEMY? ABOVE ALL. God forgive them, for they certainly have no clue on earth what they do.

This is like a bad satire.

From Friedman, Pastor Ted says he learned that everything, including spirituality, can be understood as a commodity. And unregulated trade, he concluded, was the key to achieving worldly freedom.

Here’s where he slips into oblivion, into the abode of the demonic

He is for preemptive war, because he believes the Bible’s exhortations against sin set for us a preemptive paradigm, and he is for ferocious war, because “the Bible’s bloody. There’s a lot about blood.”

About as close to the “devil’s workshop” as they come.

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