Hat Tip and Thank You to Unnoticed Commenters

I found that I had a couple of comments that I had not seen….they were stuck in the moderation que, and I had not seen the notification email to alert me that they were there.

This one on this post last week was encouraging. They had problems with TypeKey, so they emailed me. This one had made some comments and also this one . They

I found these Thursday night, and emailed the people involved, thanking them for their encouragement. I also had a guy comment on spell checking, and so I emailed him and we had a discussion about that. I told him that this may well be a major reason to move to WordPress, since it has a built in spell check, and MOvable type requires a plugin, which I tried and could not get to work (required too much dependence on the host to install or tweak several things)

Anyway, this discovery of unseen comments came at a time when I had begun to also feel a bit better about my “engagement” with work and friends and life in general. I had been feeling pretty low over the past month or two, and everything seems to have picked up, and seeing that there WERE at least a few reactions in the blogosphere was additionally encouraging. Feeling better and more involved and feeling that people value my input contributes to my sense of having something worthwhile to say, which gives me the energy and the confidence to keep plugging away at making my blog more of an accurate reflection of what I am feeling, doing, and thinking, and what interest and inspire my friends in the blogosphere.

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