Gore on the Attacks Against People of Faith of the “Wrong” Variety

This is from Oliver Willis, who I see is also coming to the BlogNashville this weekend. This is from Gore’s recent speech:

Oliver Willis | Like Kryptonite To Stupid

I remember a time not too long ago when Senate leaders in both parties saw it as part of their responsibility to protect the Senate against the destructive designs of demagogues who would subordinate the workings of our democracy to their narrow factional agendas.

Our founders understood that the way you protect and defend people of faith is by preventing any one sect from dominating. Most people of faith I know in both parties have been getting a belly-full of this extremist push to cloak their political agenda in religiosity and mix up their version of religion with their version of right-wing politics and force it on everyone else.

They should learn that religious faith is a precious freedom and not a tool to divide and conquer.

I think it is truly important to expose the fundamental flaw in the arguments of these zealots. The unifying theme now being pushed by this coalition is actually an American heresy—a highly developed political philosophy that is fundamentally at odds with the founding principles of the United States of America.

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