Wallis and the Apolitical Crowd

Seems many who count themselves among the “apolitical” Christians (which , to their credit, do so under the assumption that the Kingdoms of this world are not synonomous with the Kingdom of God. I affirm that). But to take this stance to the extreme of criticizing ones who DO gain a voice and a hearing among people in power, and assuming that they do this as a purely political animal is also questionable.

Chris B. from Kingdom and Principalities (a good name), has very little positive to say about Wallis, and in my estimation, soundly misunderstands him (and apparently does so without much real familiarity with him or his history)

Kingdom and Principalities: More on Jim Wallis and Public Policy

My first thought was, “Well, Jim, if you’re really interested in helping, why don’t you babysit her kids?” And that is the crux of what bothers me about Jim Wallis and his movement. They are so myopic that they have replaced the biblical mandate of Christian love and service with public policy. It seems that the greatest good one can do is to change laws to effect a woman like this on a macro-level. Let me say emphatically that I don’t deny the potential value of public policy. To those fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who plan to make a career of it, I say, more power to you. Do what God is calling you to do. But I am desperately pleading with anyone who is involved in the Sojo movement, don’t reduce Christian politics to public policy, voting, and the democratic process. If that is the primary way we bring about the kingdom of God, I think we serve a tyrranical God

I respond to this post (which includes more than what I have quoted here, but the same general tone) in the comments, and in similar conversations here, with Van and here, with Christ T., both of whom respond , not agreeing, but engagingly.

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