A Plain Comparison

Forrest with this thought, and echoes mine:

American Bodhisattva

I can understand if people want Terri Schiavo to live, though I do not believe they understand the dire constitutional implications the Republicans’ course of action on this issue could have. I can understand if people want to go protest outside her hospice. But I cannot understand how these same people refuse to do anything about a war that is causing more children to starve in Iraq.

I honestly will never be able to comprehend how people live with such hypocrisy present in their lives.

I can even cede ground to those who think Terri should have been kept alive , just on pure faith, without regard to “measures” and “evidence”, or even based on “questionable” evidence; just in the offchance that a miracle happens. BUt I also doubt that many of those same people would want their loved one kept artificially alive for 15 years; or , OK, alive just enough to “swallow” when a drop of water is placed on her tongue. I wouldn’t want that, and I wouldn’t want it for my wife, or kids. I would surely wait for a time, but FIFTEEN YEARS? People, ya think maybe we’re overdoing this just a tad? I belive these things becuase I AM pro-Life. But there is life that is purposely being reduced to collateral damage, and the Bush administration and the Religious Right keep pointing to this and that event along the way as “vindication” somehow. The “See, what do you say now?” The invasion of and killing of Iraqis is wrong, unneccessary, and an affront to God.” But look, they can vote! That’s good, but the invasion and resulting deaths were inexecusable. We don’t kill x number Iragis some so Y number can vote. These lives God will hold our leaders to account for. OUr leaders who easily send other people’s kids to die.

It ought to be a law in Congress that no war can be approved unless any Congressman’s kids of draft age are automaticaly assigned 1A status, with no choice of where to be deployed. This woudl stop the lions’s share of wars. And it would force us to behave like a civilized nation, and see how it works. But how it works would be irrelevant. It would be obedience and it would be just. And then there would be no more need for the law at all after the folly of war is seen form a future, wiser vantage point.

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