So Tired of the Vile

Today I feel drained. So much anger. So much deception. So much of the vitriolics. So many people I know caught up in defending the whole mess. So many lashing out. And when they heart many of us sound concerns, they ask us “Why so negative?” That woud be similar to asking them now, after the Schiavo case is winding down, “Why so negative?” They belive an injustice has been done. I don’t agree with them. My point is that there IS such a thing as real injustice. Human life IS indeed ultimately precious. And it is becuase of this that I tend to side with “the compassion of mercy” when it comes to the terminally ill, but left up to the families. Families have the right to “not let go”, right or wrong. I don’t know that it hurts those in vegitated states, but it certainly often extends the “life signs” longer than is needed or compassionate.

But there is such a thing as sanctity of life, especfially for those clearly in the realm of the living. People whose lives are snuffed out for no other reason than that they live in a place inconvenient for superpowers to tip toe. It’s much faster and safer to bomb from above and shell from a distance. It’s also much more deadly to the human situation, and this , in my faith, is anti-Jesus; heresy by hearsay. Not all “what Jesus would do”. It’s wrong, no matter what the reason. Lives come first. Not profits. Not the assured safety of first world nations.

Why can’t they see and hear the CLEAR teaching of Jesus? LOVE YOUR ENEMIES. There’s no explaining this away. Jesus didn’t speak of an ethic for nations-living-in-the-real-world and anopther for individuals. What would choose? I don’t believe that Bush heard God at all. I belive he heard the drums of war because it would accomplish, in some screwy way his mind works, something on the cheap while the American people were prime for it.

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