Mohler Doesn’t Like Generous Orthodoxy

Of course not. That would be too , well….generous. After all, orthodoxy is something one uses to narrow their brain activity and accept “the truth” as delievered to them by the theology packagers. That’s not what I think of orthodoxy. I flee from orthodoxy that is neither generous nor compassionate. Mohler’s work in the SDouthern Baptist Convention is a “chief mug/mouth/pen for the cleansing mentality”. He took over at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary after the Right Wing Tide of the denomination installed him as their theological executioner, with the aim of installing a “theological police state” regime in the place of theological education. For me, I am so thankful that I got the chance to listen at the feet of some great teachers before they all scattered to the various insititutions who stil value LEARNING.

ICTHUS: The problem of postmodernism

Do people often protest just to have something to write? So, last week Al Mohler spent the better part of the week protesting postmodernism on his (non-)blog (here, here, & here). Is this guy tired? Its not as if “postmodernism” is something that has just recently happened upon us nor is it something that really matters all that much.

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