Making an Idol of Certainty

This is one of the most damaging, blinding forces at work in the Church, and it has also infected the Right Wing Politics in this country (it is , to a frightening degree, a much more common occurrence among the “fundamentalist”; either of theological or political variety; that a finite set of “truths” are correct, must always be correct, and be correct in the exact sense that whoever is in authority says that it is. Liberals and Moderates, and indeed all of humanity does this; it is called pride, and the need to feel like our view of life as at least accurate. The problem is, the entire structure and content of TRUTH seems to be frantically sought and , then, when affirmed, staunchly protected, to the extent that those who question the system of logic and motivation upon which this is based, these questions are attacked as disloyal, an attack upon the revered ideas, and an indicator of disbelief.

Greater Democracy: They can NEVER be wrong

Their fear of being wrong, and thus that their tautological world view will collapse, manifests itself as extreme hubris and arrogance — as utter certainty. They can not afford to doubt. In fact, they are terrified of doubt, complexity, contradiction, ambiguity and uncertainty, ie the modern world in all of its multi-dimensional guises.

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