A Library of Radicals

In looking up links on Jacques Ellul (inspired by comments by nukebird in this post

Jesus Radicals

The library contains radical and subversive writings by several prominent Christian theologians.The work here reflects the alien nature of following Christ, and being a people in exile, “living out of control”. These theologians are challenging the standard reading of the bible and Christ presented in todays mainstream establishments. Their writings are uncompromising and threatening to the cheap theology characteristic of the North American Church.

Includes works from :

william cavanaugh
jacques ellul
richard gregg
stanley hauerwas
george hunsinger
jean laserre
martin luther king jr.
carolyn marvin
david mccarthy matzko
john milbank
charles tilly
leo tolstoy
john howard yoder

early church quotes on war and violence

church statements on war tax resistance

4 Replies to “A Library of Radicals”

  1. Pingback: Progressive Protestant

  2. Chris Tessone

    Found it! Religion Online is the site.

    For any given theologian there, there’re crucial works that aren’t there, but there’s a lot of useful stuff that is, and it’s free. For instance, Niebuhr’s Radical Monotheism and Western Culture is there, full text, there’s a collection Tillich’s sermons and his History of Christian Thought, and so forth. Lots of good stuff there.

  3. ericisrad

    They have the full text of Ellul’s Violence on that Jesusradicals.com page, of which I have a hardbook copy, btw. That page is a great resource. I’ve read most of the shorter essays on current events, but haven’t had time to check out some of those full texts (hundreds of pages long sometimes!).



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