Mohler as Contrast and Example

Carlos at Jesus Politics posts another Al Mohler “heresy” gem

In this case, an example of precisely what Bonhoeffer faced in his German Church, a Church rapidly descending into nationalistic irrelevance to the cause of Christ. Indeed, an idolatry of the state. Mohler and his fellow Southern Baptist Convention leaders exemplify a neutering of the gospel, and the construction of an Anerican apologetic, complete with invokings of the “Almighty” reminiscent of Hitler and scores of previous empires down through history. It has never been more clear that the world is being threatened by the fundamentalist mind set, not only that of Muslim extremists, but by American neocons who have enlisted an apostate Church in their cause. Personal piety and individualistic morality falls far down on the list of sincs in the context of the death of thousands (3 thousand in New York and D.C., followed by another 50 to 100 thousand in Iraq, and who knows how many more in Afganistan. And the Iraq debacle continues to appear to be no match for the evil determiniation of this administration to dogmatically pursue its goals of econmomic nirvana in seizing control of oil and buiilding pipelines, and “opening up new markets” in places where we seem to be killing people for the purpose of “securing the area” for establishing businesses (I mean, “Democracy”). All the while, Halliburton has lost a third of the “assets” with which it was cahrged with safeguarding. I wonder how long the American government wouold tolerate such massive failure to deliver from “other contractors”? And still, Bush exudes resolve. For along time now to some of us, it looks very much like self-delusion, or extreme weakenss in playing the “puppet” of some other more “hidden”, corecive force or group whose influence determines the shots. And this is all conducted under what is somehow being constued by a bare majority of people in this country as serving the country.

God forgive us. As Bonhoeffer wojuld put it, “only in and through the Church ” are we to give and receive forgiveness. But to have this, we must BE the Church, and not simply seek the survival of soemthing that SEEMS to be the Church.

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