Tenet on a Free Internet

This , from Weblosky, on a guy, George Tenet, whose INtelligence Agencies were unable to send photos from one place to another, presumes to expound on the fine points of Internet security. Here we have a scary case of knowing just enough to be dangerous (where the knowledge here is in “who you know” rather than WHAT you know….and the absolute poverty of the inteliigence agancies technological support is staggering and inexusable, and was at the root of the absolute ineptness of this country’s agencies to collaboare on ANYTHING. Pitiful.

Weblogsky: Tenet calls for an end to “free and open” Internet

George Tenet calls for new Internet security measures – just what those are are’t specified in this article, which quotes him as saying “I know that these actions will be controversial in this age when we still think the Internet is a free and open society with no control or accountability, but ultimately the Wild West must give way to governance and control.”

the Washington Times Article

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