A difficult Christmas, but Perhaps a Most Meaningful One?

I mentioned earlier how this will be a rough Christmas , considering all the Christians singing “Peace on Earth” and then doing absolutely nothing to indicate they actually believe it or intend to be faithful to it, and wondering what might happen as we slide further and further into quagmire. But it may be, that the situation might just mean a deeper meanng and impact of Christ, as the hope of humanity in this dark time. Bonhoeffer seemed to have found something in his final days. What will God’s prescence and word be for us, exiled Christians?

There is a sense in which I feel that I cannot cout myself among the faithful, since I am often struck with my own self-centered driven-ness that makes it all too easy to neglect my family, my own spiritual nourishment, actually hearing the word of God or hear a call to join in some work that God is doing. So there is a whole bunch of saving/re-saving/transformation that needs doing all throughout my personhood. I have to feel that all of that is also tied to the human family, and the hope of community in the world, and the expression of that in the Body of Christ somewhere. And that a new resistance and call to repentance can fall over us as a nation; and that we don’t let our leaders off the hook from truly being leaders. Part of me feels that nothing short of “regime change” will solve this. That some truth arises that throws light on those who have worked in darkness, and sought to deceive for some personal gain.

O Come O Come Emmanuel.

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