Sunday Blues

So what else is new? Am I going to have to , like, start my own Church? That sounds wrong: MY own? Let me say that again: Should I “sound a call” (how I would do that, with nobody to “sound it: to?)

BTW, “Sound a call” is a Church of the Saviour concept (at least its the only community I know that actually looks at the process of CALL and constantly explores it as an issue not just for professional clergy, but as a spiritual/personal inheritance to which ALL of us must respond. God calls ALL of us; EACH of us to a certain task at a particular time. This is how The Church of the Saviour operates and continues to “send forth” people into “Needed” areas and contexts where the Good News can have an impact (which excludes hardly ANYTHING).

2 Replies to “Sunday Blues”

  1. Theoblogical

    That IS funny. I may be getting serious about this , though. I was reading a bit of A Generous Orthodoxy a while ago, and I felt myself grieving over what seems to be such an obvious oversight/neglect of the Church today: to speak to this generation, and to provide a place where we are ALL serious about living in community and AS CHRIST’s community.


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