What Born-Again Christian DONT believe that?

Over at Jesus Politics, (I like his “About Me” description: My interest in Jesus goes back to when I was born in Brazil where my parents were Southern Baptist missionaries. Jesus Politics is an anthology of readings and some commentary related to the political influence of Christianity from the Christian Right to the Jesus Left.)
links today to the link below, where Garrsion Keillor is talking about “born-again Christians” in jest, but the blogger who quotes him says, after the quote, comments and I feel compelled to respond.

GetReligion: And the healing has begun

Keillor joked that he will work with other citizens for a constitutional amendments that denies the vote to born-again Christians, which met with vigorous applause and cheers. This is the closest Keillor came to explaining his understanding of born-again Christians who vote:
If you feel that war in the Middle East is simply prophecy fulfilled, if you believe that tribulation and suffering are just the natural conditions of life, if you believe that higher education is vanity, unnecessary, there is only one book that one need to read, if you feel that unemployment is simply is God’s way of making you more dependent on him and drawing you closer to him, if you feel that lousy health care is simply a portal to paradise, then you don’t really share our same interests, do you? No, you do not.

the blogger replies:
What born-again Christian on earth doesn’t believe all that?

(addendum: 12:19 pm) Emphasis MINE….See comments from the author of this post below on this)

Plenty, I would say, but certainly more than enough. Way too many. It relates to the posts I’ve had about my own sense of isolation in the face-to-face world; in the seeming impossibility of finding a CHURCH where people are actually hearing the urgings of the Spirit to speak up, to hold up peaceful efforts as priority, and to inform themselves about the realities of the Bush administration’s almost defiant “try and stop me” approach to undoing many public protections put in place over the years. These protections are in place (or WERE in many cases) to protect against the greed of corporations who would (and ARE) be pursuing profit unmindful of public interest (unmindful except in the sense of how they can “circumvent” the regulatory restrictions– in the case of their friend the Bush administration, this is no longer a problem. He’s on their side)

It really does look like a CULTURE war. The modes of thinking being used by what are otherwise (and PREVIOUSLY) sane and intelligent people is absolutely SCARY. The extent of the self-deception, and the outright REFUSAL to lend ANY CREDENCE to the clear evidence of “lack of forthrightness” by this administration, it’s efforts to “downplay” everything that makes them look bad (which is a full time job), and its continued rampage “out of the limelight” (and its efforts to keep it thus) are all a part of this massive fundamentalistic mindset that all is righteous with them, and all is “left-wing conspiracy” with those who see otherwise. God, help us. And that is NOT just a phrase. I mean it quite literally and desperately. GOD HELP US!!

2 Replies to “What Born-Again Christian DONT believe that?”

  1. Theoblogical


    The emphasis was mine (I guess I ought to say that , and point out that YOUR emphasis was THAT) ….but I was , I suppose, disagreeing with you, and recognizing the sentiment that Keillor expresses as similar to what I feel. I don’t see it as “straw dog” at all. It is recognized among “dissenting Christians” (those who are not only NOT Bush supporters, but actively opposing his policies and decpetions) that nowadays, “Born again Christian” in this context is frought with “the media-induced sense” of the phrase. It is preciesly this association of “born-again” with “Bush’s base” that OTHER Christians take issue against.

    I resonate with Keillor’s “straw dog” because what he says actually , sadly, rings true with a sizable chunk of the people whom most vocally claim the status of Born again.

    I reject most of the THAT he includes as actually misplaced, distortions of what Christianity and the Kingfdom of God is all about.

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