After finally successfully upgrading my MT 2.66 to 3.1.21, I have had commenting problems. I had been under the impression that one of MT3’s major advantages was that it had builtin solutions for comment handling. But after MT-Blacklist failed to work when I installed it, I tried the TypeKey Authentication, which also did nothing; NADA. So I am now operating without Comments at all.
Which causes me to look into what may be happening with WordPress and DotText. Both seem to be nowhere further along than they were when I last set them up. dotText is my first preference, but Trackbacks are very undependable. WordPress as well. Wodpress has no siginifcant upgrades since this summer, which surprises me after finding it via a whole movement away from Movable Type when people rebelled against their pricing structure for version 3. But they’re still at 1.2 Maybe I’ll see if 1.2.1 actually has more improvement than the docs seem to indicate, and if it has any comment spam blocking plugins.
dotText is getting wrappped into a larger Community Server Open Source .Net project, and there hasn’t been much that I can find on anything new there since July. But I continue to watch. Both WordPress and dotText are “side-blogs” I’ve linked via RSS to my MT blog (the main blog for theoblogical).