A New Song

Allen at The Village Gate , with a good reflection:
Singing a New Song | The Village Gate

Let the government do what it will during these next few years. It could never legislate this new synthesis anyway. It does not lie within its power either to create or prohibit it. Let the church-that-was devour itself with internecine strife and fearful bigotry. If it must resort to the ballot box to do God’s will, it is already dead. Let those who delude themselves into believing that they live by Reason alone cope with a world that grows more irrational by the day.
Let us sing our new song. We’ll sing it in the sanctuaries and on the airwaves and at the electronic streetcorners. Those with ears will hear. Those with eyes will see. And, God willing, enough will turn and be healed so that this day of darkness and gloom will pass.

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