Bush the Hypocrite

Bush speaks glowingly of our troops, whom he severely under-supplies and under-armors. Bush has the gall to claim that Kerry voted against armor (in some comprehensive package that contained OTHER legislation as well, a typical tactic of Bush rhetoric to gloss over the more comllex realities of legislation) and then proceeds to grant a huge 70 or 80-some billion dollar tax break to corporations. Under-protecting our troops to the extent that military families are buying protective armor on the Internet for their loved ones and shipping it overseas, and giving extra bonuses to the corporations. Bush says we must all sacrafice, but his corporate friends know he means the rest of America, not them. This man whose privilege enabled him to seek “alternative service” and then proceeded to shirk his responsibilities there. The man sickens me. He’s a hypocrite, he’s a traitor (then and now) and he is a LIAR. He must be exposed. He needs to be in prison for his crimes against us, the Iraqis, and the world.

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