Pro-Life, Pro-Bush?

MIke James wrote on the day before the election

Tread lightly: Interesting links: November 2004 Archive

Wouldn’t any “pro-life” claim I might make be thereby rendered moot by such a vote? Given the killing of innocents in war, the increased abortion rate attributable in part to increased joblessness and hopelessness, the abandonment of millions to unaffordable health care, the push of millions into poverty, the manipulation of the populace by fear and threat of annihilation, in what way can I assess “the fruit by which I know this administration” as anything other than pro-death across the board?
I see “pro-life” and “pro-Bush” as a seriously mixed message.

MIke also links to a passage referring to “loving the darkness”:

Gospel of John Chapter 3
19″This is the judgment, that (1) the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for (2) their deeds were evil.
20 “(3) For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
21 “But he who (4) practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.”

Bush operates a MO of secrecy. Public plaatitudes proclaimed, covert undercutting of the mechanisms of democracy employed. The inexcusable thing for intelligent Americans, and especially intelligent Christians, is that many of these “out of the limelight” activities and selling of favors and giving gifts/rewards of influential regulatory positions, in addition to the lies, distortions, and “lack of a real policy apparatus” is fairly easy to acquire. Just look at the long line of “ex-administration” people writing about their experience. The Senate Intelligence Committee has had an entire chapter (which deals with the Saudi Arabian involvement and support for the 9/11 terrorists) of their report classified. The Bush administration dismisses and disses any who would present or suggest anything that doesn’t exhibit unflinching loyalty, and carries out campaigns of discrediting any of them. The Plume outing by Rove, Novak and company is yet to be resolved, but I hope they will hang in there.

The explosives fiasco needed only Rush and Drudge and the White House to say “all of that is debunked”, and the evidence need not be examined. People dismiss it becuase they’re told to, and they do it. This is a dnagerous time, folks. They are dismantling our democracy and you believe them when they MOUTH patriotic piety and invoke God and Jesus, and then work against the purposes God has for humanity and the world, that of a Blessed Community. The media and slime mechanisms of the Far Right has risen to an evil and manipulation of epic proportions. The Church in America seems to be its most gullible and clueless victims. God is saddened by those he wants to be Kingdom People. God is calling us to be a CONFESSING Church.

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