The Words Of Jesus Are “The Light”

High Stakes For Church and State, Sojourners Magazine/November 2004

The words of Jesus are either authoritative for us, or they are not. They are not set aside by the very real threats of terrorism. They do not easily lend themselves to the missions of nation states that would usurp the prerogatives of God.

As Wallis himself has often pointed out, Bush blasphemes the Christ who is the rightful and only incarnation of that WORD which is “The Light that shines in the darkness”, and NOT “The American People” as Bush so plainly associates with it. As I have said, it is Satan who disguises himself as an angel of light, and there is no clearer embodiment of evil than the “structural evil” that sweeps up societies and leads normallyt sane and compassionate people to massive evil. It is “the principalities and the powers” to which the Apostle Paul often refers. (Walter Wink and Tony Campolo have written and preached on this).

One Reply to “The Words Of Jesus Are “The Light””

  1. Eric Lee

    But Dale, listen to Bush’s words — don’t pay attention to his actions. Don’t trouble yourself with all that stuff that doesn’t look pretty that doesn’t match up with what Bush says. It couldn’t be real, could it?


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