
Just watched an another great documentary DVD from Jeff Greenwald (who also did Outfoxed) This one was on the Iraqw War debacle of deception, and they had some great interviews (and more detailed ones in the DVD extras,
including Joseph Wilson, who wrote the Politics of Truth, which I was just reading for a while before putting in the DVD, which I just picked up at Borders for 9.95. A definite 4 stars, thumbs up, must see. Of course, the people who need the most convincing will never watch this, and would acuuse everybody (as they do) of partisanship and lying about everything. THere are also several clips featuring Ray McGovern, who was interviewed in Sojourners a while back (I posted in my “other” blog (my dotNet blog, which I haven’t used much lately) here, the sojo article here


If Bush wins another term, I find it highly likely that he won’t last it (similar to Nixon , who was renominated as the Republican candidate even as the Watergate burglars were in the process of their break-in. NIxon didn’t last his term. )
There’s Enron , which was pushed far back into the minds of Americans after 9/11, then there’s the Senate Intelligence Reports (via Graham’s book, a nd a host of others, like Richard Clarke, who will continue to press for answers on why Bush went on vacation after the infamous Aug. 6 PDB, and the Iraq series of deceptions and lies that allowed the Bush administration to get what they wanted all along. These people have to pay (they actually can’t be held accountable to the level of their culpability, and the damge they have caused, and the true peril in which they have placed this world.


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