Bush’s Bible is one separated from Public Life

The previous two posts express some of the misgivings and grave doubts about the utility of a Faith for a President who seems to be totally devoid of issues involving the Public Welfare, except when it comes to “talk”. But , as the previous post about Bush’s broken promises from the 2000 campaign, and how utterlry opposite his actual policies were from those “words” and “spiffy phrases” (and really not all that spiffy, especially when we see how absent any of these promises were from the Bush administrations real efforts). The Bush public policy consisted mostly of appaearances and speeches, while the key posts of regulation and leadership were given to figures who had lobbied for more beneficial deals for their corporations. It happened with education, environent, health, and practically every publicn and social issue. The biggest campaign promises were the most poorly funded.

The biggest irony of all is perhpas the campaign’s emphasis on how America is safer with their administration, even though 9/11 happened under their watch even as they ignored all the alarmingly escalating warning signs that had the “system blinking red” (as George Tenet put it).

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