Kerry Says Bush Has More Excuses than Jobs

Miserable Failure


“The president would have us believe that his record is the result of bad luck, not bad decisions, that he’s faced the wrong circumstances, not made the wrong choices,” Kerry said in excerpts of remarks prepared for delivery at the Detroit Economic Club, a traditional forum for presidential candidates. “In fact, this president has created more excuses than jobs. His is the Excuse Presidency — never wrong, never responsible, never to blame. President Bush’s desk isn’t where the buck stops — it’s where the blame begins”

2 Replies to “Kerry Says Bush Has More Excuses than Jobs”

  1. Eric Lee

    I’m convinced that anybody who doesn’t see Bush and his crew for the failures that they are are seriously living in a dreamworld and have some bizarre, way-too-apologist, myopic view of reality.

    It astounds me what great lengths people will go to defend Bush, just because he’s against abortion. I’m against it for the most part myself, but if you’re pro-life, yet pro-kill, doesn’t that mean you’re the biggest hypocrite in the world?


  2. Me


    I too let out a big *sigh*

    I had one of those heated debates yesterday (which was the prompt for these posts)…and I have them with members of my family, and I come away mentally shaking my head —and often, hysically shaking my head. It’s amazing how people with such “literalist” approaches (or what they CLAIM to be literalist) can so unapologetically blow it on this one.


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