Christians and Muslims Praying for Peace

Saw this page on the United Methodist Site that is an oasis of sanity and seeking after God in the midst of a world going mad.

Day of Peace, Sept. 21, will bring all faiths together to pray

Becky Waldrop, also a member of the church’s United Methodist Women chapter, says praying transcends religious differences.

“The truth is that where people believe in God, in many respects their religious beliefs, whether Muslim or Christian, help bring us together in prayer,” she says.

At the mosque, Mohamed says he’s encouraged by the prayers of Christians, Muslims and other religious faiths. Nearby, six men kneel and pray.

“We’re praying for peace,” he says. “And this is a human requirement of living-that people live in peace. God listens, and he hears. And I believe if you ask God sincerely from your heart, he will answer.”

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