Does Ashcroft’s comment bother you?

” I don’t want to hear anymore about planes crashing into buildings”

I was reminded about this while watching the 9/11 analysis on NOW last night. Another “victory” for the White House PR that it successfully kept this from getting further treatment. How did this happen? Didn’t this provide a HUGE red flag that goes to the extreme negligence of the Bush staff re: terrorism and homeland defense?

MSNBC – Did Ashcroft brush off terror warnings?

That month, the threat of an al-Qaida attack was so high, the White House summoned the FBI and domestic agencies, and warned them to be on alert.
Yet, Pickard testified to the 9/11 commission that when he tried to brief Ashcroft just a week later, on July 12, about the terror threat inside the United States, he got the brush-off.
“Mr. Ashcroft told you that he did not want to hear about this anymore,” Democratic commission member Richard Ben-Veniste asked on April 13. “Is that correct?”
“That is correct,” Pickard replied.
Testifying under oath the same day, Ashcroft categorically denied the allegation, saying, “I did never speak to him saying that I didn’t want to hear about terrorism.”
However, another senior FBI official tells NBC News he vividly recalls Pickard returning from the meeting that day furious that Ashcroft had cut short the terrorism briefing. This official, now retired, has talked to the 9/11 commission

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