PBS show on 9/11 puts the question on Bush

Bush Hits Kerry on Iraq and Hussein (washingtonpost.com)

“If he had his way, Saddam Hussein would still be in power and would still be a threat to the security and to the world,” Bush said.

Bush’s message was seconded by Miller, the keynote speaker at the Republican National Convention. Miller told the crowd in Huntington, W.Va., that the country is in an “hour of danger” and said: “There’s but one man I trust to keep my family safe.” In an apparent allusion to Kerry, Miller said Bush is “never wavering, never wobbling, never weak in the knees.”

No, just plain negligent, blindly partisan (“Terrorism was a “Clinton thing”), “don’t bother me with that” cluelessness…..well, maybe we ought to make it a “Democratic” thing, or a Non-NeoConservative thing”, and get these goofballs out of office. The message they are trying to promote only works with people who don’t read the news, don’t wonder what happened on 9/11, and don’t ask why so many people and so many usual safeguards were not in place.

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