All the President’s Former Men

Joseph Wilson, Paul O’Neill, Richard Clarke. All three served all the way back to at least the Elder Bush, in all three administrations. Wilson also served under Carter and Reagan. All three head the list of testimony chronicling the misadventures and maipulations and common tactic of deceit coming out of this Bush administration. These are not partisan by-standers, and the list just keeps growing among journalist of varying backgrounds. I have never seen the likes of the volume of books that are attempting to warn us, as well as the clarkemass amount of news stories and columns in reputable newspapers (of course, “reputable” newspapers aren’t on the list of “reputable” among members of the radical right. They are simply dismissed. Bascially, anyone who dares to question, or to write or print anything that isn’t wildly celbrative of the heroism of the Bush administration is suspect, and is target for attacks of all kinds.

Without the Democrat-Republican polarization that has reached epic proportions these days, I would simply think, and have about many of these sources for years, that they were intelligent and insightful journalists. People like Bill Moyers, far from your Michael Moore or Al Franken, who pull no punches or keep their feelings to themselves, Moyers has been , and still is, a Journalist of highest integrity. When the “followers” of this administration begin casting dispersions.
Moyers’ way, I sit up and wonder what’s going on t with the ability of these people to recognize exploration and healthy skepticism as it is instead of some partisan ploy. I even had one person accuse my “voicing oppostion to the Iraq invasion on grounds of concern for the Iraqi’s lives” as “phony”; that I was simply being partisan.

Click on any of the book images and go straight to the page for this boomk at Amazon. If you buy it there, I’ll get a little cut and be able to buy more of these books that turn my mind into partisan, liberal, mush, and corrupt me beyond all repair.

I have fallen into an almost numb state of gloom over the past several days. As I read some chapters in each of the books by the aforementioned “Former President’s Men”, I find myself closing my finger to hold my place in the book, lower it to my lap, look up and heaving great sighs of dismay at what is looking like is a colossal mess, and a group that I am extremely feraful will have too much control over ENOUGH stuff to keep their victory secure in November….but I will not give up all hope that we can somehow take back this country. But , I am also praying that somewhere, a “Woodward and Bernstein” can uncover something of undeniable and “game over” proportions; something perhaps uncovering a one of the many “secrets” that the Bush administration doesn’t want out.

These three guys are what seems to be the closest thing to what SHOULD BE convincing warnings, and yet, the denial is at anm unbelievable level. People should be skeptical of ANY president who has such mass defection ocurring under his watch. And thes were no partisan batch. I’ve heard Republican supporters move directly into discrediting mode. Many of them siumply laugh when these things are brought up, like “And you belive THOSE people”, as if the very idea that their president COULD be corrupt is inconceivable. Come into the real world, people. Corruption happens. People who cater to the richest interests have enormous pressure put on them to “cater” and dole out favors.

The idea that I am voting AGAINST Bush rather than FOR Kerry is frowned upon, but there IS such a thing as the “lesser of two evils” which should be readily recognized by the Bush supporters, who justify his administration’s military strategy and tendencies as “being the best course in the long run; that all these innocent deaths of Iraqis is actually the lesser of two evils”. I am not ven inclined to agree that it IS in fact, better in the long run. Considering the Militant Fundamentalist Islamic foe that we face, I tend to thkink just the opposite. That continued invasions into predominantly Muslim territory makes the prospects of continued and escalated attacks MORE likely , not less. I can’t for the life of me how anybody coulod expect that conventional military warfare can effectively fight it. It CAN’T. Joseph Wilson says as much. I will be looking for those books in the library (I’ve sort of shot my wad for a while on the books).

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