Finding Blogs

A blog I just found while looking for blogs that are possiblybeing updated from and during the UMC’s General Conference in Pittsburgh this week and next, brought up this hit: from Worldwide Pablo

It includes a quote from William Sloane Coffin:
When he [Bush] calls himself a Christian, I think he should remember that it was the devil who tempted Jesus with unparalleled wealth and power. What does that say about Bush’s dreams about wealth and power? He has reversed Biblical priorities by making our economic policies be about helping the wealthy to acquire more wealth while abandoning the poor.

I also found this one: Chuck Currie: Views on faith and politics from a United Church of Christ Seminarian. His post yesterday, an interview with William Sloane Coffin, which was linked to from the Worldwide Pablo blog I mention above, brought me to Chuck’s blog, which looks like I will be blogrolling as well. He has a few apparent common interests (like Sojourners, Blogging, and Church). Also, featuring an interview with Coffin, whom Al Mohler considers to be a dangerous liberal, makes it even more of a must-read.

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