Cluetrain Values

The previous post expresses som eof why I think The Cluetrain Manifesto did such a number on me. When I read that, I immediately sensed in this “Book about Business” , a spiritualityand recognition of a truth that the Church, of all places, has so little clue about: That people become energized when their own interests and passions about things that are important to them are given voice.

It illustrates for me whythe lay renewal movement of the 60’s and 70’s were so effective: they focused on putting people into situations that encouraged and provided a safe haven for authentic sharing.

Today, this is largely non-existent in Churches. It’s so much “big production”. Big productions are fine if there is some semblance of energetic and impassioned communty based on “being known” by each other (so that we have a REAL sense of CORPORATE WORSHIP and not some vague affirmation of unity of the BODY— there’s that word again).

I feel that the blog and things like it are on the verge of doing a “grassroots thing” on the Church, so that people begin to discover the treasure trove of “share-able” journey-telling via the vehicle of the Blog, and “companion portals” that together form themselves into a “living organism” not unlike the sllime mold following the trail of phenomes as written about in Steve Johnson’s Emergence.

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