My second feed is additional and not instead of

The “second RSS feed” I posted about on my previous post is “additional”, and not a replacement (it may come down the road, but still a ways off). I posted a couple of things yesterday at Theoblogical.Net

I’d still like to find a way to do these things:
a) Convert all the radio shortcuts to internal links (which are, of all things” double quotes around it — ie. “Title of post” is a link in Radio to a post entitled Title of post. So when I moved the Radio posts over to Movable Type, all those links translated as simply quotations, since the export from Radio to MT simply took the XML over to MT, before the Radio conversion took place (which it does when the page is uploaded to the server).
b) Convert all my Stories in Radio (dotText has “Articles”, and MT has the “extended posts”)
c) Find out how, in dotText, to show links to Trackbacks and Comments separately underneath the posts (right now the “Feedback” lumps them together.
d) Add an Edit option for comments made by the Admin (presently I can only Delete the feedback items)

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