SPAM Comments

I had a comment posted under my previous post (on my Radio version) that qualifies as SPAM Comment.

First, it is totally unrelated to the post that I made. Second, it seems it is a campaign, and third , it is seemingly an indoctrinating type of campaign, seemingly dominated by Conservatives (thus their “targeting” Christian blogs, assuming that all “Chriatian Blogs” must be Pro-Bush.

Not that resistance to totalitarian regimes is a bad thing; it is certainly part of a Christian ethic in my book, it’s just that I am not too friendly to the idea of planting Blog comments on a “list” of Blogs (I suppose they found me through “Blogs 4 God”– which is largely conservative, but I nevertheless signed up there because of my belief that I must “speak for my faith” and not allow it to be “shouted down” by the assumptions of others who claim to speak for God).

I took a look around the list of blogs mentioned in the comment, and I found lots of blogs that argue that weapons of Mass Destruction WILL BE FOUND, and lots of “Bush/Cheney 2004” banners, and lots of references to Andrew Sullivan. It didn’t take long to form the sense of a pattern. If anyone sees otherwise, or has comments on the growing “Comment Spam” trend, please comment HERE, where I am addressing this

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